Real Estate Consulting
Real Estate Consulting Services in Edmonton and Calgary
Our appraisers having profound real estate knowledge and expertise including valuation, costing, budgeting, developing to suit your need.

Find the highest value for your property
The Highest and Best Use considers the property as though vacant and available for development, and as improved. It considers the subject property from legal, physical and financial perspectives to determine what use yields the highest value for the longest time from among alternative uses.
The theory and process of Highest and Best Use essentially works to determine the more profitable and competitive use for the subject site based on four criteria. Within every appraisal exercise that is undertaken by an appraiser, a Highest and Best Use analysis must be completed.
Appraisers complete Highest and Best use analysis with a focus on three possibilities: continuation of the existing use, modification of the existing use, or demolition and redevelopment of the site. We can help you determine the highest and best use for your property before you commit to the development of a new property or the redevelopment of an existing property or we can confirm that the existing use is representative of its highest and best use.
Feasibility Study
Essentially, a feasibility study is a predictive analysis of a new product, service, location, or other business venture that takes many factors into account including: Economic, Technical, Demographic, Legal, and Competition.
Market research studies have the power to uncover extremely valuable information for those looking to pursue a new project in the near future.
A feasibility study market research company is helpful in determining all aspects of the project, uncovering any potential problems, and determining if the project is worth undertaking.